Jarosław Surkont

Senior software developer

Jarosław Surkont - Profile picture

I'm a senior software developer currently working at sciCORE - University of Basel and Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.
In my spare time I do bouldering, gravel cycling, and photography.

I hold a PhD degree in Bioinformatics from Gulbenkian Institute / NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal), and an MSc in Biotechnology from Jagiellonian University (Poland).



Secure Encryption and Transfer Tool

PAM module for OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant

Lightweight python gpg bindings based on subprocess


Bioinformatic classifier of Rab GTPases

Web service for exploring the universe of Rab GTPases.


see more projects and other miscellaneous stuff (scripts, config files...) on GitHub and GitLab...


  1. Ito D, Zitouni S, Jana SC, Duarte P, Surkont J, et al. (2019). Pericentrin-mediated SAS-6 recruitment promotes centriole assembly eLife, e41418
  2. de Sousa AGG, Tomasino MP, Duarte P, Fernandez-Mendez M, Surkont J, et al. (2019). Diversity and Composition of Pelagic Prokaryotic and Protist Communities in a Thin Arctic Sea-Ice Regime Microbial ecology, 78 (2), 388-408
  3. Hamblin KA, Flick-Smith H, Barnes KB, Pereira-Leal JB, Surkont J, et al. (2019). Disulfiram, an alcohol dependence therapy, can inhibit the in vitro growth of Francisella tularensis International journal of antimicrobial agents, 54 (1), 85-88
  4. Surkont J, Diekmann Y, Pereira-Leal JB (2017). Rabifier2: an improved bioinformatic classifier of Rab GTPases. Bioinformatics, 33(4):568-570
  5. Surkont J, Pereira-Leal JB (2016). Are There Rab GTPases in Archaea? Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33(7):1833-1842
  6. Surkont J, Diekmann Y, Ryder PV, Pereira-Leal JB (2015). Coiled-coil length: Size does matter. ​Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 83(12):2162-2169
  7. Surkont J, Pereira-Leal JB (2015). Evolutionary patterns in coiled-coils. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7(2):545-556